Birthday presents from SH! Now, this isn't me trying to flaunt what I have but simply just one of those posts which I want to look back onto fondly. #dontjudge #nohate #formemorysakethatsall
Flowers (which aren't actually my favourite but I appreciate very much nonetheless) from my fav man.
I actually have a love-hate relationship with flowers. I love how pretty they are and how the make my room a million times more homely instantly. But they cost so much and they die so quickly which makes me wonder what's the damn point.
If you're wondering what is inside the box, it is actually a Tigger (which I forgot to take photo of) which is proudly sitting on my bed with all my other Tiggers.
SH wanted to get me something Christian-related (haha he's so adorable really) and he got me a wind chime... Now what exactly am I going to do with a wind chime?
One more charm and a spacer for my pandora bracelet.
Also, one more dream catcher to add to my collection.
I think SH knows me the best because basically, he got me all my favourite items. I'm not big on branded items or expensive gifts. The ones that touch me the most are things that I like, like balloons, or dream catches and he got me all of them.
You can tell that a lot of thought has been placed into this celebration and he spent quite a while collecting all of these items which I really appreciate!
Last but definitely not least, my darling Fiona came to work with a slice of earl grey cake from Rive Gauche which I really love! I love earl grey tea and all things earl grey so I really liked this slice of cake!
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